Underfueling and Cholesterol: A Hidden Risk for Endurance Athletes
This article explores how underfueling in endurance athletes can lead to altered cholesterol levels and negatively impact overall health. Endurance sports such as running, cycling, and triathlons demand high caloric intake to maintain energy balance. However, many athletes under consume calories, which can lead to Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S). This condition affects multiple physiological systems, including hormone regulation, metabolism, and cholesterol balance.
When caloric intake is insufficient, the body's metabolism changes, resulting in higher levels of LDL cholesterol ("bad cholesterol") and lower levels of HDL cholesterol ("good cholesterol"). This altered lipid profile increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, even in athletes who "eat healthy" and maintain active lifestyles. Proper nutrition, balanced macronutrient intake, and regular health monitoring are essential to prevent RED-S and its effects on cholesterol and long-term health.

How Much Protein Do I Actually Need?
As a Registered Dietitian and athlete, one of the most frequent questions I am asked by my clients, gym-mates, friends, and family is “How much protein do I need?”. My short answer is, “It depends.” As always, there is more to unpack when answering a seemingly simple question. So here is my medium-long answer.

The Smoke and Mirrors of Diet Culture
We are constantly inundated with messages about what you should eat, how you should look, and how you should move. We are told that once we check all of these boxes, our body will look a certain way, and we will be accepted and happy, right?
The Keto Diet: The Truth Will Set You Free, But...
“The truth will set you free… but first it will piss you off”- Gloria Steinem (Made more famous by Pharrel and Rihanna)
Today I am diving into waters that I have previously ran from like the plague. Whenever I see and hear crazy hype about the newest diet on social media and podcasts, I inherently cringe and want to go hide under a rock. Why? Because I know that I’ll see friends, family members, patients, and random people on the street trying that newest diet, and then asking me if I, too, think that it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. But as it turns out, I still love bread (slices or otherwise), and today, I feel compelled to write this post. We’re going deep about the ketogenic diet. We’re going to discuss real biochemistry and science. I’m going to cite peer reviewed scientific literature. And most importantly, we’ll discuss, as we always do, how you can practically eat and truly BE healthy in the real world. Here. We. Go.